DEAR GRANDDADDY- A Teen, Parent, and Educator Advice Column BLOG #91

Dear Granddaddy, what’s something you’re glad you taught yourself? Caesar.

Bestselling and award-winning author, speaker, educator, and TV host.


Well, Caesar, I can think of a few things I taught myself that I’m glad about. Things that I’m happy that I now know how to do, or at least know the basics of, are typing, self-publishing, and social media.  Sit tight for a moment as I try to explain.

I remember way back in college, when my dorm mates were paying others to type their college term papers for them, but I refused to go down that road. Instead, I went to the library night after night to use their computers, so I could painstakingly learn to type my own papers. I guess I just somehow knew that someday it would be beneficial to me if I knew how to type. Today, I spend a lot of my time on a keyboard, and I am eternally grateful to my young college self, who suffered through those early days of learning to type by doing those term papers on my own.

Another thing that I’m happy I taught myself is how to write and publish a book. Now I have a voice. I’ve written a bunch of books and I have built a nice platform. I have vastly increased my intelligence by becoming an author. And as someone with a voice, now at least some of what I say makes a difference, and that’s pretty cool.

Use of social media is another thing that I’m glad I taught myself. It has allowed me to reconnect with a lot of my old friends and also make a lot of new ones. And social media has vastly amplified my message and my own voice. It has given me an even bigger platform to amplify my efforts to try to make the world a better place through my work.

So, in closing, Caesar, these are just a few things that I’m happy I taught myself. I’m sure I have a bunch more, just as you do, but I think the important thing to remember here is to be a life-long learner, don’t you?

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Dan Blanchard is a bestselling and an award-winning author, speaker, and educator who has appeared in several of the world’s Top Ten Podcasts, and over 100 television and radio shows. He now also has a weekly TV show of his own. To find out more about Dan or to submit a question to him, please visit him on his website at: