Dear Granddaddy, if you could go back, what would you be sure to do in high school? Brianna-mother of 8th grader.
Well, Brianna, as you know, we are all different with different circumstances, needs, and goals, so my answer to your question may not be the same for everyone. However, I do like your question, so I’m going to attempt to answer it from my unique point of view, okay?
Here goes. Now we all know that no one can go back, but if I could, I’d do some things differently. I know that I was nice to people in high school, but I’d try even harder to be nice to everyone I came into contact with. I’d also worry less about peer pressure and appearances.
I think with what I know now, I’d spend even more time and energy on my true friends rather than spreading myself too thin on my hundreds of acquaintances whom I felt were also my friends.
I also might join the debate team to help me think more logically and better form persuasive arguments. These things are definitely important in adulthood.
I think I would take a psychology course in order to help me better understand others and why they do some of the things they do.
Furthermore, this former high school football player and wrestler would take up a casual sport that I could play for the rest of my days. This would give me a chance to participate into adulthood with my friends and enjoy the outdoor fresh air. Sports like tennis, basketball, volleyball, and golf are good for this. Sports like football and wrestling aren’t the type of physical activity one can just jump back into during a family picnic.
I’m sure there are plenty of other things that I would do differently if I could go back to my old high school days, but I have limited space here, so I guess this will have to suffice for now. Oh, and by the way, Brianna, good luck with your child and his and her future high school studies and activities.
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Dan Blanchard is a bestselling and an award-winning author, speaker, and educator who has appeared in several of the world’s Top Ten Podcasts, and over 100 television and radio shows. He now also has a weekly TV show of his own. To find out more about Dan or to submit a question to him, please visit him on his website at: