September 2019

DEAR GRANDDADDY- A Teen, Parent, and Educator Advice Column BLOG #6

Dear Granddaddy, how do we get our kids to do better in school? Patrice C. a concerned parent VLOG ON THIS: Wow! That’s a question that could require volumes of work to answer. However, since you didn’t ask me how to make our children perfect, but only better, I think I might have some …

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DEAR GRANDDADDY- A Teen, Parent, and Educator Advice Column BLOG #5

Dear Granddaddy, how do I become successful? Chris B. – an eager to succeed teen. VLOG ON THIS: Smile more! Yup. Look adults in the eye and smile more at them. Say, “Hi” more often to them. Stop trying to fly under the radar in the adult world. Pausing a moment to take an …

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DEAR GRANDDADDY- A Teen, Parent, and Educator Advice Column BLOG #4

Dear Granddaddy, what do today’s teens need more than anything else? Denise G. – Parent and Radio Personality VLOG ON THIS: Denise, there is no easy answer to your question. There is, however, an answer that makes sense. I believe, as so do many of my colleagues who are in the business of teen …

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DEAR GRANDDADDY- A Teen, Parent, and Educator Advice Column BLOG #3

Dear Granddaddy, why are my parents and teachers always on my A**? Jorge – a really frustrated teen VLOG ON THIS: Hey, Jorge, I’m feeling your frustration, buddy. As a teen I felt like that, too. Heck, I still feel that way as an adult sometimes. Believe it or not, I still have parents …

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DEAR GRANDDADDY- A Teen, Parent, and Educator Advice Column BLOG #2

Dear Granddaddy, what has happened to our youth these days? Bobby S. concerned educator   VLOG ON THIS: I’m sure most of us adults sometimes wonder if the world has changed too much, and if our youth have strayed too far from where we were as young ones, right? You want to know something funny, …

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DEAR GRANDDADDY- A Teen, Parent, and Educator Advice Column BLOG #1

Dear Granddaddy, what makes you qualified to write a teen leadership advice column? Mike B. Parent   VLOG ON THIS:             Well, first of all, let me start by saying that I believe every one of us has something good to say. Every adult can offer good advice to someone. Trust me when I …

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