The Storm: A Leadership Booklet and Blog #18

THE STORM Chapter 18: When You Help Others You Help Yourself

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” – Mahatma Gandhi


Why This Matters: Chapter 18, “When You Help Others, You Help Yourself!,” centers on the transformative power of helping others. Granddaddy’s insights, inspired by Mahatma Gandhi’s quote, highlight the heartwarming benefits of acts of kindness and the impact they have on personal motivation and fulfillment. The chapter emphasizes the importance of having meaningful reasons for pursuing goals, explores the reasons people hesitate to take action, and introduces the concept that helping others can break inertia and kickstart personal motivation.

Essential Question for Readers: “How does the concept of helping others, as explored by Granddaddy, influence our understanding of personal motivation, the importance of meaningful reasons for pursuing goals, and the transformative power of acts of kindness on both ourselves and those we help?”


Chapter Summary

Chapter 18 of “When You Help Others, You Help Yourself!” continues the insightful conversations between Dakota and Granddaddy. The chapter opens with a quote emphasizing the heartwarming benefits of helping others. Granddaddy questions Dakota’s previous statement, prompting him to share a coach’s analogy about the danger of getting comfortable on the couch and letting dreams slip away.

Dakota reflects on the challenges some people face in taking action, acknowledging that momentum is easier to maintain in sports due to tangible rewards like trophies. Granddaddy reinforces the importance of having meaningful reasons for pursuing goals, explaining that without them, sustaining motivation becomes challenging.

The conversation shifts to the reasons people might hesitate to take action, citing fear, complacency, or a reluctance to leave their comfort zones. Granddaddy suggests that convincing unmotivated or scared individuals to act is a personal decision and emphasizes the difficulty of motivating someone who isn’t ready for change.

The key takeaway of the chapter is the transformative power of helping others. Granddaddy introduces the concept that doing something for somebody else, whether it’s an act of charity or a simple gesture of kindness, can be as inspiring as achieving personal goals. He encourages Dakota to consider the needs of others and suggests that helping someone else can break the inertia and kickstart personal motivation.

The chapter concludes with Granddaddy warning Dakota about the addictive nature of helping others and its ability to bring fulfillment even in challenging times. Dakota expresses his enthusiasm for the idea of GOYA (Get Off Your Ass) and decides to adopt it as a guiding principle, realizing the impact it can have on both himself and others.

As Granddaddy leaves, he gives Dakota a leather-bound book with blank pages, symbolizing the unwritten possibilities of Dakota’s future. The chapter ends with Dakota feeling a renewed sense of purpose and gratitude, pondering Granddaddy’s mysterious nature and the valuable lessons he has shared.



*Show Somebody Something blog:

*Simon Sinek’s “Don’t Show Up to Get, Show Up to Give” video:


Reflection/Journaling: Reflect on a time when you helped someone else and consider the impact it had on both them and yourself. How did the act of kindness or support contribute to your own sense of fulfillment and motivation? Explore whether helping others has broken inertia or kickstarted personal motivation in your own life.


  1. Identify opportunities in your daily life where you can offer help or support to others, whether through a small act of kindness or a more significant gesture. Set a goal to incorporate acts of service into your routine, recognizing the potential positive effects on both yourself and those you help.
  2. Reflect on your current goals and consider whether they have meaningful reasons that resonate with your values. If not, set a goal to redefine your goals with a focus on intrinsic motivations and the impact they can have on your sense of purpose and fulfillment.
  3. Explore local volunteer opportunities or community service initiatives where you can contribute to the well-being of others. Set a goal to engage in acts of service regularly, understanding that helping others can be a source of inspiration and motivation in your own life.

Next Steps:

  1. Create a journal to document your experiences with helping others and the impact it has on your personal motivation and fulfillment. Reflect on the reciprocal nature of kindness and consider how acts of service contribute to a sense of purpose and well-being.
  2. Share your insights and experiences with friends or family, encouraging them to explore the transformative power of helping others in their lives. Foster a culture of kindness and mutual support, recognizing the collective impact of small gestures on individual and community well-being.
  3. Embrace the concept of “Show Somebody Something” in your interactions with others. Consider how sharing knowledge, experiences, or skills can be a meaningful way of helping and inspiring those around you. Set a goal to actively contribute to the growth and well-being of your community through sharing and collaboration.

By incorporating the transformative power of helping others into your life, you can create a positive cycle of motivation, fulfillment, and purpose. Acts of kindness not only benefit those you help but also contribute significantly to your own well-being and personal development. And always remember the secret of giving to get and teaching to learn.

Dan Blanchard is a bestselling and award-winning author, speaker, educator, TV Host, and philanthropist.

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*Watch Dan’s TEDx Talk, Breaking Free from Routine: How to Live a More Exciting Life