It’s Our Daily Habits Not Our Outer Circumstances!

A Teen Leadership Blog! Watch Dan’s Vlog: Our daily habits are those little things that we do every day without much thought. Our outer circumstances are those things that surround us every day that we are thinking too much about. Sadly, most of us can’t stop thinking about how our outer circumstances are holding us …

It’s Our Daily Habits Not Our Outer Circumstances! Read More »

Daniel Blanchard’s Interview of Parenting Expert Bill Corbett!

   Bill Corbett is an author, speaker, event planner, television host and parenting expert. His book, “Love, Limits, and Lessons: A Parent’s Guide to Raising Cooperative Kids” and television show, “Creating Cooperative Kids” are known all over the world. Bill travels the world giving workshops that help adults create more cooperative kids. Did you always …

Daniel Blanchard’s Interview of Parenting Expert Bill Corbett! Read More »

Change Our Routine And We Change Our Life!

A Teen Leadership Blog! Watch Dan’s Vlog:    Wasn’t it Einstein that said the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting to get different results? Do things the same and we’ll get the same, right? And do something different and we’ll get something different, right? Simple! Not easy, …

Change Our Routine And We Change Our Life! Read More »

Great Minds Have Purposes!

A Teen Leadership Blog! Watch Dan’s Vlog: We all have a purpose! Every one of us dreams with a purpose about something, or at least we used to purposely dream about something. Contemplate this: What if those old important and purposeful dreams could come alive again? What if we could breathe some new life back …

Great Minds Have Purposes! Read More »