Building Your Brand Through Becoming A Bestselling Author
We are more than just writers now. We are also more than self-publishing authors. We are authorpreneurs who are building their brands to develop their businesses. Yup. Brands. I know, that’s the big leagues. But, hey, that’s what we are now. We’re big-league authorpreneurs building our brands. And guess what a great way to make our brand is? Becoming a bestselling author! Yup. A bestselling author brand is a pretty cool brand, wouldn’t you agree?
And the beautiful thing about approaching our brand-building through being a bestselling author is that any one of us can do it. Any one of us who really wants to become a bestselling author can do it. We just don’t know that we can do it yet. From the teenage years, all the way up to the century mark, there are bestselling authors. So, why can’t one of those bestselling authors be one of us?
Well, the short answer is that it can be one of us! And as a bestselling author, we now have a leg up on building our platform and brand. No longer will our age, or where we come from, or how we look, or worship hold us back. None of that matters anymore once we’re a bestselling author.
Being a bestselling author is almost like being a mini-celebrity. My wife is getting tired of people approaching us when we’re out saying that they know me and that I’m famous. Sometimes my children’s friends come over the house and say that I’m famous. My wife replies with something along the line of he’s just Dad around here.
The point I’m trying to make is that being a bestselling author is very cool in most people’s eyes, even if we don’t think it’s that big of a deal ourselves. So, do yourself a favor and go become a bestselling author. It will improve your image and credibility in other’s eyes. Then center your message and platform on that bestselling authorship image and credibility.
Being a bestselling author shows people that you’re a finisher. Most people who write never finish their books. Most others dream of writing a book someday, but don’t ever force themselves to sit down and do it. The few who do put pen to paper and stick with it to complete their manuscript or book, many of them don’t finish the job by becoming a bestselling author. Being a bestselling author shows others that you’re a finisher, and it draws people to you like a magnet.
Listen, you are special. I genuinely want you to believe that about yourself. You are special. So start acting like you’re special and write and market your way into a bestseller. And once you’re a bestseller, don’t stop there. Now go ahead and write that series. A bestselling with follow up books in the same series is a home run people. You can do this. So now just decide to go out there and do it!
Once you’re a bestselling author with a successful series, you’d be surprised how easy it is to get on radio shows, blogs, podcasts, television, summits, stages, and everything else too. Sometimes I get salespeople asking me to send them money to get myself on shows. I just laugh to myself as I’m deleting their email. Hey, I know that somewhere in my emails this week, I’ll be asked multiple times to be on someone’s show for free. Heck, they may even pay me to do it. Paying for your own publicity isn’t necessary for bestselling authors. You’ll get plenty of opportunities. It’s like the best kind of free advertising. It’s basically a third-party endorsement, and sometimes a hand up to their higher platform, the interviewer is a big-time influencer.
Heck, to take this to the next level, I even got asked to do my own TV show by Mindalia TV. I’m sure being a bestselling author helped that happen. And no, no one asked me for a dime to have this opportunity to have my own TV Show. They just gave it to me. And if that can happen to me, then why can’t it happen for you, too?
Having a bestselling author platform is going to help you in your day job too. Let’s say you’re a nurse with a bestselling book that has something to do with the nursing field. You’re going to be seen as an expert by your colleagues and supervisors. You’re going to get more respect at work. They’re going to ask you to be on leadership teams and sit on panels. You’re going to have opportunities that other hard-working nurses who don’t have a bestselling book won’t have. Your bestselling book will help you get promotions and pay raises. It’s a win-win both in your authorpreneurship world and your day job world. So go out and become a bestselling author.
Now to finish up, I’m sure you’ve heard the old adage that life’s a journey and not a destination, right? Well, guess what. Most people I meet who speak of writing a book someday say they’ll do it in retirement when they have more time. This sort of makes sense because as one gets older, they have more life experience and wisdom. But guess what? It’s the wrong approach. Don’t wait until the end to write your book. Do it in the beginning. Imagine how much better your journey through life is going to be as an author. Now imagine how much better your trip is going to be as a young bestselling author…
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