Book Marketing For Authors Blog 44-Starting a Podcast

Starting a Podcast


Do you have something to say?

Of course, you do, right? After all, you have a book you self-publishing indie author. So it’s pretty evident that you have a lot to say. And now that you have written a book, you have a bigger voice than you had before your book was published.

You want to know what can give you and your book an even bigger voice?

Of course, you do, right? Well, having a podcast will give you and your book an even bigger voice. Through a podcast, your voice could be heard all around the world. A lot more people will know that you and your book or books exist through podcasting. Think of the mini-celebrity status or at least the increase in credibility and exposure it would bring you.

Hey, podcasting is the modern-day advertising and marketing. We don’t exactly let people know that we and our books exist anymore through the newspapers and yellow pages of the phone book. Podcasting in this new era is a hip way of letting people know you and your books exist. It’s also a very simple and effective way to get your message out there. Put simply. Podcasting is a great modern-day exposure.

It’s also a great way to be seen as an expert in your field. Yes. Some podcasts also have a video along with the audio, so you can be seen as well as heard. Okay. Let me back up and give a quick lesson, just in case you are not familiar yet with podcasting.

Audio only podcasting is kind of like doing a radio interview, but only better. In a podcast, you can be the interviewer, the one asking the questions of a guest. Or you can be the interviewee, the one who is being asked the question. One of the simplest reasons audio podcasting is better than radio is because it gets saved in a link.

You see, once you listen to a radio show, it’s over. It’s gone. But with a podcast, you can click on that link and listen to it whenever, wherever, and however many times you want. It’s always right there at your fingertips. It’s a great marketing tool that can continually be put out there with your contact information. And it’s a great educational tool, too, because people can listen to it over and over again. And they can pause it and go back a few seconds to listen again to something over and over again.

Now with an audio and video podcast, all the same principles mentioned above hold steady here as well. But with video podcast, you get the added feature of being able to watch as well as listen to the interview. It’s sort of like watching internet television when you view and listen to this kind of podcast shows. And it you’re brave enough to show your face on this kind of podcasts, the benefits could be long-lasting for us authorpreneurs.

Okay. Don’t be scared. You really can do this podcasting thing. Come on, get excited. This podcasting thing can build your credibility and expert status. And like everything else, you can crawl, walk, and then run. Trust me. This is a journey that is well worth your time and effort.

So, let’s start with crawling. I know you’re probably thinking that you don’t know anything about podcasting. You’re also probably wondering how the heck the technology works and where you will find the guest. Okay, don’t freak out. You don’t have to go there yet. Let’s start very simple. Begin your podcasting career by just being a guest on someone else’s podcast show. They have already done all the heavy lifting of setting a podcast up and finding the guests.

You’re a published author. It’s not too hard to find some podcaster out there who will take a chance on you. After all, there are a lot of podcasts out there now, and they all need guests. So, why not you, the published author? You can totally do this. So go ahead and give it a shot.

Being a podcast guest will be a great experience, and it is free publicity for your authorpreneurship business. And after you’ve done it once, do it again and again, and again. Hey, it’s free marketing for you. Do one, or even more than one, every week. It’s free.

At some point, you’re going to feel like an old pro at podcasting. When you get to that spot, you may want to take the next step. Now, you can hook up with another podcaster and co-host shows. This is an excellent way for you to make that next leap without doing all the heavy technical lifting of setting up the show by yourself.

Maybe the other show will already be all set up, and you can just slide in there as a co-host. This co-hosting thing is cool. It takes away some of the fear of becoming a host. You also now have a potent tool for approaching and befriending influencers in your field. You can now do them a favor first by having them on your show. Pretty cool, huh? Why didn’t we do this sooner?

Okay. Are you now ready for the next big step of running your own show? This could be a great way of getting all sorts of credibility. There are a few ways to go about getting your own show. If you think you’re ready to do all the technical stuff and get all your own guests, then go ahead and break off on your own and start that show.

If you think you can get all the guests, but the technical stuff still scares you, then just stay where you are. But see if you can become the host of that show or a spin-off show on that same platform you’re already on.

After being a guest on many, many podcast show, I ended up co-hosting a show with Angel Ribo of Minidalia TV English. Mirna Perez, our producer, did the technical stuff. Angel and I did a bunch of fun interviews. After a while, when Angel knew I was ready, he encouraged me to take over the show. So, now I’m the solo host of Mindalia TV English, and Mirna still supports me on the technical side. I’ve been doing it for a while. And it’s been going awesome. I have made a lot of friends with a lot of influencers through this avenue of free promotion. And so can you. Hey, if I can do it. You can do it.

Get started today with finding a way to become someone’s guest on their podcast show.

*Check out the free video lesson on this chapter!