DEAR GRANDDADDY- A Teen, Parent, and Educator Advice Column BLOG #1

Dear Granddaddy, what makes you qualified to write a teen leadership advice column? Mike B. Parent

Bestselling and award-winning author, speaker, educator, and TV host.



            Well, first of all, let me start by saying that I believe every one of us has something good to say. Every adult can offer good advice to someone. Trust me when I say that I know I don’t monopolize this area of advice, or any area of advice. We all have something to contribute.

I could start with something general and say that I was once a teen, and am currently an educator and parent. However, in order to put my unique footprint forward, I might instead say that, I’m an award-winning author, speaker and educator who is a father of five children. I have been an inner-city schoolteacher and coach for over two decades and have written multiple books and columns on teen leadership, education and parenting.

Furthermore, I have completed 14 years of college and earned 7 degrees. I have read over 1000 books including many on successful people and the psychology of how to win more and live a better life. Oh, and by the way, I have also served our country in both the Army and Air Force. So I suppose at least some of these life experiences have helped me to have a few good things to say to our youth, parents, and educators.

In conclusion, just like you, I do in fact have many good things to say. And the even better part of this equation is that I’m brave enough to stand up every day and actually say it to our youth, parents, and educators. I think the reason I do this is because sometimes I sort of see myself like the Little Drummer Boy, who didn’t have a lot to offer that cold night in the stable except to play his best in the hopes of making this world a better place. Helping our youth and the people who help our youth is how I play my best to make this world a better place. Wouldn’t it be great if everyone just played their best?

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Dan Blanchard is an award-winning author, speaker, and educator who has done over 100 television and radio interviews. To find out more about Dan or to submit a question to him, please visit him on his website at: