Book Marketing For Authors Blog 52-Our Email Lists

Our Email Lists

Okay. Here is what most of us self-publishing indie authors do with building our email list. First, we get an email list provider to provide us with the software and services needed to begin building a list where we can mass email our people. This is way better than using our own Gmail, Yahoo, or whatever email accounts we have.

Then, we slowly build our list on our new email provider of Mailchimp or whatever else we have. And we think it’s really cool when we get to have a list above 1000 people. However, as our list grows along with our products and services, we then begin to realize that we have a bit of a problem. We only have one large list, and we don’t want to send everything we do to all of them… Hmm… What to do…?

Segment. Yup. We can actually segment our list into multiple smaller lists so we can send specific emails to specific groups of people on our lists.

A really cool thing that our email service providers can do with the segmentation of our list is to work off of the human behaviors of the people on our list. We can use a “NOT” feature. So, for example. When we let people know we have a new book, the last thing we want to do is send out a second email telling them the same thing again about our book if they had just bought our book in the last email.

So, what we can do instead, is send out the email to only the people who did “NOT” buy our book in the last email. Yup. Our email service provider software can see who purchased and who didn’t, and then put them into separate groups for differentiated follow-up emails.

A thank you email could go out for the people who bought. And another enticing offer for those who didn’t purchase our book. This is really cool, isn’t it? This would take forever if we had to do this manually… and that’s if we could even see who bought and who didn’t in our last email.

Okay, so this is just one example of a human behavior from our list of buying or not buying. We can break this down into all sorts of human behaviors. Did they click on a link for more information? An email based on that behavior should be sent next to them. The list goes on and on of what we can come up with for our email lists based on human behaviors and what email they should get next.

For instance, another feature that we have available to us these days is tagging our people when we add them to our list. You see, we could manually add them to different lists. Or we can take a list we already have and tag people with different tags that will help the software recognized them for specific emails.

Heck, we could even segment for the human behavior of who opened our email and who didn’t. For those who didn’t open our last email, we can send them a new email. Not don’t worry. This one is going to look different because we’re going to add a different subject line. Since they didn’t even open the last email, they won’t know this is the same email with a different subject line.

If this subject line works better, then perhaps we could consider this an A B Testing Experiment where we’re figuring out which subject lines work and which ones don’t. And all of this can be done as we’re emailing and segmenting our lists based on human behaviors.

The technology now available helps us build better relationships with our people because it gives us a better chance of sending out the right email to the right people. Or, at least, we are now sending better emails once we go through the learning curve of email marketing and segmenting our list.

Anyone who is having a lot of success in business, including us authorpreneurs, know that relationships in our niche are very important. So, any tool that helps us improve our relationships with our people is worth looking into, isn’t it? So go ahead and get on that learning curve of email marketing, list building, segmentation, and email offers. It’s well worth your time.

*Check out the free video lesson on this chapter!