Dear Granddaddy, the thought of going to college next year is scaring me. Kati- 12th grader.
Well, Kati, I don’t blame you for feeling scared. We all tend to worry about the next big step in our lives. However, Kati, you are more capable than you think. You told me that college scared you. Well, I think college might be making you just a bit anxious instead of truly scared. Trust me, you’re going to do great.
To do great, though, there are a few strategies to consider. First, trust in yourself that you’ll figure it out. Next, trust that the great big world is going to treat you okay. Thousands of freshmen go off to college every year and they make it. So will you. Also, get good advice. Don’t just rely on your own preconceived notions. They may be wrong, as mine were.
You see, recently I was in a Boston hotel when I noticed the West Point Swim Team walking in. It reminded me that many years ago I was recruited by West Point to wrestle. Someone told me that I would have to commit to four years of college and then four more years in the Army. As a seventeen year old boy facing what I thought would be eight straight years away from everything I knew, it seemed like a lifetime and much too scary for me to accept. I didn’t realize I’d have lots of opportunities to see my family and friends. No one told me anything different, and I failed to ask around for more information. I got scared and turned away from what might have been a great opportunity.
Knowing what I know now, I not sure if I would have done anything differently, but I do know that today I wouldn’t let incomplete information and fear make my future choices for me. So Kati, don’t be afraid. Get the information you need. Be brave. Have faith that everything will turn out okay because, believe it or not, it will turn out okay. Now lighten up some and enjoy your next milestone.
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Dan Blanchard is an award-winning author, speaker, and educator who has appeared on over 100 television and radio shows. To find out more about Dan or to submit a question to him, please visit him on his website at: