Be Grateful!

A Teen Leadership Blog WATCH DAN’S VIDEO:     My Granddaddy once told me true GREATNESS couldn’t begin until one is truly GRATEFUL!!! Someone else told me that the greatest virtue of them all is gratefulness. I’ve also heard somewhere that all other virtues come from gratefulness. Hmm… So I guess that’s the Secret! To live a truly great …

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Act As If!

A Teen Leadership Blog WATCH DAN’S VIDEO: How many times have we heard the old adage of “mind over matter” or “If you really believe you can achieve”? A bunch, right? Well, there is a good reason for that, and it is because it works to some degree’! But what happens when it doesn’t work? Where do you …

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You Don’t Have the Luxury of Negative Thoughts!

Teen Leadership and Mentoring Blog WATCH DAN’S VIDEO: There had been a terrible accident and the two teens found themselves standing above their incapacitated father who was pinned to the ground under their smashed up 3,000 pound sports utility vehicle. At that very moment in their lives these two teen boys did not have the …

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Giving While Living!

Teen Leadership and Mentoring Blog WATCH DAN’S VIDEO: Many years ago I read a tiny, little, book that I thought made a lot of sense to me. This book was called, Die Broke. This little book is in alignment with the title of this blog, Giving While Living. According to this little book, Die Broke too …

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Teen Leadership and Mentoring Blog WATCH DAN’S VIDEO: Labels! Oooh… Ralph Lauren… Oooh…  Polo…  Nike… Oooh… Labels. Look at all the labels that we’re surrounded by everyday, everywhere we go, and everywhere we look! Are you wearing any labels? Have you allowed anyone to place a label on you? Has anyone ever labeled you as, …

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Practice Alchemy!

Teen Leadership and Mentoring Blog WATCH DAN’S VIDEO: Practice alchemy! What? “What the heck is alchemy?” you’re probably thinking. Well, according to the dictionary it is: A medieval chemical philosophy having as its asserted aims the transmutation of base metals into gold, the discovery of the panacea, and the preparation of the elixir of longevity. …

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A Man’s Greatest Tragedies!

Teen Leadership and Mentoring Blog WATCH DAN’S VIDEO: The Ancient Greek Roman Emperor and famed orator, Marcus Arelis, once said, “A man’s greatest tragedies usually leads to a man’s greatest successes!” Have you ever failed miserably at something and thought all was lost? I know I have, and it really hurt… Have you ever seen …

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