Advice column

DEAR GRANDDADDY- A Teen, Parent, and Educator Advice Column BLOG #100

Dear Granddaddy, how do I know at what age to stop being a parent to my daughter and just be a friend? Jack- parent. VLOG ON THIS: Well, Jack, that’s a great question that’s tricky, but here goes. I don’t think you ever stop being a parent to your offspring. I don’t think you …

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DEAR GRANDDADDY- A Teen, Parent, and Educator Advice Column BLOG #99

Dear Granddaddy, as a high school student, how am I supposed to know my true calling in life? Steven VLOG ON THIS: Well, Steven, I’m glad that you’re thinking about your future. However, I don’t want you to overthink it and cause yourself unnecessary stress. Although you should look down the road from time …

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DEAR GRANDDADDY- A Teen, Parent, and Educator Advice Column BLOG #98

Dear Granddaddy, what is the best parenting advice? Anita VLOG ON THIS: Well, Anita, I think W.E.B. Dubois said it best when he said, “Children learn more from what you are than what you teach.” Even with Dubois’ sage advice in mind, I admit that sometimes I get frustrated as a parent knowing that …

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DEAR GRANDDADDY- A Teen, Parent, and Educator Advice Column BLOG #97

Dear Granddaddy, how do I teach my children to become wise? Lois VLOG ON THIS: Well, Lois, let’s start with a fun one by exposing them quotes. Quotes have an abundance of the wisdom of sages down through the ages. But don’t stop there with just having your children read a quote a day. …

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DEAR GRANDDADDY- A Teen, Parent, and Educator Advice Column BLOG #96

Dear Granddaddy, how do I keep my children on the right path? Daria. VLOG ON THIS: Well, Daria, that’s a very good question. First, I would say to make sure you’re spending a lot of time with every one of your children. Please, don’t succumb to that false argument that you don’t need to …

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DEAR GRANDDADDY- A Teen, Parent, and Educator Advice Column BLOG #95

Dear Granddaddy, why have boys fallen behind girls in U.S. education? Macey. VLOG ON THIS: Well, Macey, I remember when I graduated from the University of Hartford in 1995. I was shocked by how outnumbered I was by the females. I figured that it was just the nature of the educational profession that caused …

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DEAR GRANDDADDY- A Teen, Parent, and Educator Advice Column BLOG #93

Dear Granddaddy, is being a teacher different than you thought it would be? Mary-former student. VLOG ON THIS: Yes! Like everyone else, I had been a k-12 student, so I thought I knew what teaching was all about. In college, I closely watched my professors. Again, I thought I knew what teaching was about. …

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DEAR GRANDDADDY- A Teen, Parent, and Educator Advice Column BLOG #92

Dear Granddaddy, what is society robbing young people of? Paul. VLOG ON THIS: Direction, freedom, happiness, and strong adult figures, Paul. Let me explain. In some countries, young people don’t have a period of adolescence. Young people go straight from childhood to adulthood. There is no middle ground of aimlessly floating around and painfully …

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DEAR GRANDDADDY- A Teen, Parent, and Educator Advice Column BLOG #91

Dear Granddaddy, what’s something you’re glad you taught yourself? Caesar. VLOG ON THIS: Well, Caesar, I can think of a few things I taught myself that I’m glad about. Things that I’m happy that I now know how to do, or at least know the basics of, are typing, self-publishing, and social media.  Sit …

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