It’s About A “7”!

A Teen Leadership and Mentoring Blog WATCH DAN’S VIDEO: It’s about a “7” is what I usually tell myself on any typical day. And it usually doesn’t matter what my schedule is, or who I’m with, it’s still about a “7”. Some times it may slide just a little under “7” or just a little …

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Play Like A Champion!

A Teen Leadership and Mentoring Blog WATCH DAN’S VIDEO: *I post this at the door of every classroom I teach in and have my students touch it on the way in and out every day. Never think like a victim. Don’t waste energy casting blame. Focus on the goal and work day by day to …

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The Other Side of Fear!

A Teen Leadership and Mentoring Blog WATCH DAN’S VIDEO: My Granddaddy once told me that everything good that I want lies just on the other side of FEAR! As a young boy, I didn’t quite understand what he was talking about. I was certain that I wasn’t afraid of anything. And anybody who was afraid …

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Trust Your Gut

A Teen Leadership and Mentoring Blog WATCH DAN’S VIDEO: Great leaders have a way of knowing what to do next… Some may call it a gut instinct, others may call it something else… Although, may not all agree on what to call this special ability in our great leaders; we all know it when we …

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Santa Claus is Coming!

A Teen Leadership and Mentoring Blog WATCH DAN’S VIDEO: Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone! This Holiday season I have just been reminded of the power of wanting something really bad, and truly believing that you can have anything you want if you want it bad enough. Now I’m not claiming to be smart enough …

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Don’t Be Afraid of Money!

A Teen Leadership and Mentoring Blog WATCH DAN’S VIDEO: Don’t be afraid of money, and don’t be afraid of success “What?” I hear you saying. “I ain’t afraid of anything, and I’m certainly not afraid of money or success!” Listen closely… We are constantly surrounded by the wrong types of messages. We are unconsciously being …

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Control Your Thoughts!

A Teen Leadership and Mentoring Blog WATCH DAN’S VIDEO: Have you ever heard your mom say, “If you ain’t got anything nice to say, then don’t say anything at all.” I’m willing to bet that you have. Now why do you think that your mom would say that to you? Probably because your mom is …

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